Appendix 9



Data Security Protection Toolkit, NHS Mail and Proxy Access



Data Security Protection Toolkit


All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good quality data security and that personal information is handled correctly.  


The DSPT is a self-assessment tool which is designed to provide organisations with the assurance and assistance in being compliant with the current Data Protection legislation and requirements. It also gives assurance to organisations when sharing information with other parties that they follow the same compliance protocols. The level recommended to achieve for all NHS organisations and is recommended for social care organisations is ‘standards met’.


NHS Mail


Health and care information is very sensitive so you must make sure it is protected, all NHS organisations and social care organisations must ensure they are using NHS Mail or an accredited secure email alternative when sharing patient indefinable information or documentation.


Proxy Access


Proxy access was developed to allow someone other than the patient to access and manage parts of their GP online services account. The proxy is given their own online access account (rather than using the patient’s login details). Proxy ordering access enables care homes to order medication monthly and also interim/acute prescriptions via the practice’s online portal. Using this portal provides care homes with an electronic audit trail of what medicines have been ordered. This removes the need to make copies of repeat slips prior to submission to the GP practice. Implementing proxy access for repeat meds ordering is also the first step to gaining access to a resident’s medical record, test results, hospital and other correspondence, and appointment booking/cancelling should your GP surgery allow.